Climate is important,
and we know how to create it
Climate is important,
and we know how to create it

Our partners

All-Russia Research Institute of Agricultural Biotechnology

Russian State Agrarian University -
K. A. Timiryazev Moscow Agricultural Academy

Goods store
crop protection
Professional lighting systems for plants

climatic laboratories

For a wide range of scientific research in biotechnology under conditions requiring a strictly controlled gas-climatic environment.

climatic laboratories

For a wide range of scientific research in biotechnology under conditions requiring a strictly controlled gas-climatic environment.


  • Daytime temperature

    In the range from -4°C to +40°C
    in increments of 0.1°C
  • Night temperature
    In the range from -15°C to +30°C
    in increments of 0.1°C
  • humidity
    In the range from 30% to 95%
    in 0.5% increments
  • Maintaining CO2
    Any target life cycle range for any plant is 500 to 3,000 ppm.
  • tightness
    The special multi-layer housing allows to maintain a temperature difference with the outside environment up to 60°C
    (inside - 25°C, outside +35°C)
  • Heat dissipation
    Efficient removal of up to 50 kW of heat
    from phyto lighting.


  • Daytime temperature

    In the range from -4°C to +40°C

    in increments of 0.1°C

  • Night temperature
    In the range from -15°C to +30°C
    in increments of 0.1°C
  • humidity
    In the range from 30% to 95%
    in 0.5% increments
  • Maintaining CO2
    Any target life cycle range for any plant is 500 to 3,000 ppm.
  • tightness
    The special multi-layer housing allows to maintain a temperature difference with the outside environment up to 60°C
    (inside - 25°C, outside +35°C)
  • Heat dissipation
    Efficient removal of up to 50 kW of heat
    from phyto lighting.
Our news
ClimBioTech at the forum “Domestic Breeding at the Crossroads of Times: Classic Approaches and New Trends”

The event was attended by representatives of the Ministry of Agriculture and Ministry of Education and Science, regions, science and business.
During the tour of the institute, the heads of the departments covered in detail the activities of the genomic center, the digital phenotyping laboratory, the recently launched speedbridging laboratory, as well as the center for collective use of scientific equipment.
Visit of A.A. Anikeev, Deputy of the State Duma
Experimentally confirmed the possibility of obtaining up to six seed generations of wheat and sunflower per year.

Only two months have passed and the second generation of spring wheat, triticale and sunflower plants is already growing.
Soybeans and corn are next in line. The experiments continue.

On March 20, the Director of the Federal Scientific Center of Agroecology, Integrated Land Reclamation and Protective Forestry of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor Alexander Ivanovich Belyaev visited the Institute. During the visit he familiarized himself with the infrastructure and research areas of the Institute.

Visit of the Director of the Federal Scientific Center of Agroecology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor A.I. Belyaev.

benefit to science

Our company cooperates with Russian
research centers to develop new,
more resistant crops

benefit to science

Our company cooperates with Russian
research centers to develop new,
more resistant crops
from scientists
D. in Biology, Head of the Laboratory of Applied Genomics and Private Breeding of Agricultural Plants, VNIISB.
Mikhail Georgievich
Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Plant Physiology, K. A. Timiryazev Russian State Agricultural Academy.
Tarakanov Ivan
speed breeding
The advantage of this technology
The advantage of this technology is that it allows obtaining a significantly higher number of plant generations compared to traditional cultivation methods.

So in wheat, you can get
up to six generations per year instead of two,
which will significantly reduce the time needed to create genotypes with the desired properties.
Unlimited possibilities
for experimentation:

For example: “an early, cold.
and rainy spring,” ”late,
hot and dry summer.”

CO2 control

climatic conditions

For example: “abrupt cooling”, ‘gradual warming’.
Recreating situational climatic conditions

A system for controlling the supply and maintaining various CO2 levels.

Control of Photosynthetically Active Radiation

Taking into account the actual needs of the plant (feedback algorithm
to measure the photosynthetic rate).
With timely
and regular maintenance, the climate control system is capable of
The climate system can operate continuously for up to 6 months.

Total service life:
15 years.

Warranty service period:
2 years.
fault tolerance

distributed climate

Efficient and uniform convection within the chamber to maintain the target temperature and humidity at all points in the chamber with differences comparable to the specified error.


distributed climate

Efficient and uniform convection within the chamber to maintain the target temperature and humidity at all points in the chamber with differences comparable to the specified error.

How we work

Terms of Reference
current articles
Digital Phenotyping: How ClimBioTech tasked artificial intelligence to count wheat spikelets

ClimBioTech's global mission is to automate the routine processes of scientists. We have noticed that phenotyping plants takes hundreds of hours of work ...
Phytotrons and speed breeding: a pathway to food security

According to the Ministry of Agriculture, the share of domestic seed is only 60%. However, according to the Food Security Doctrine, it is necessary to increase this indicator to at least 75% in a short period of time....

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